Last night and in the early morning hours more snow blanketed my town. As usual, Kirkwood was closed and so was Rachel's school. So I'm home with the girls plus three. Two older girls from down the street showed up at 10 and shortly thereafter, the six year old from across the street ventured through the snowdrifts. So far, they've played pirates (Sammi's idea), house, and danced to wedding reception favorites such as the Macarena and YMCA. So far no blowups or tears which is good. I'm sending them all home for lunch and then they can reconvene after that.
While I like having a day at home, it's actually sometimes more stressful than going to work. At least at work I don't have to deal with girls in tears... well scratch that. I actually had two crying students yesterday. One refused my kleenex.
Sammi turned 5 today. I can't believe she's five already. Time is flying, flying, flying. I am very happy that she loves dragons.
In other news, TV is starting to get better again - 24 premiered after a two year hiatus because of the writer's strike. And it's just as good as, if not better than before. I am looking forward to the premiere of Lost. American Idol won't really get good until we get to at least Hollywood, although I admit I did watch most of the premiere last night. No one really stood out. I have nine episodes of Fringe on my DVR... should I bother? Is it any good? I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes and thought it had potential, but it kept getting shoved down my list of shows to watch and now I'm really far behind. The newest Survivor cast only has 18 castaways. I wonder if that means we might finally do what I've been wanting them to do for a long time - a season without twists - just straight up Survivor old school like the first two seasons.
I have been accepted to graduate school. My first class starts at the end of this month. It's about curriculum development in colleges.
What else...
Well, I didn't do my big 2008 wrap up, 2009 preview post like I have done in other years. I will just sum up:
2008 - sucked
2009 - going to be a lot better
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